2023 Tecnifibre Bloem Jnr Open

Recent Results

1. Registration will take place at a central location and players will also need to check in and register online FOUR HOURS PRIOR TO THE OFFICAL STARTING TIME OF THE EVENT on the morning of 2 or 3 March 2023, depending on the starting time per age group.
However, these details will be confirmed once we are able to do so. NB!! The dates and times for the commencement of play are dependent on the number of entries per age group. These details will also be communicated as soon as there is clarity in this regard. Currently, the PROVISIONAL arrangements are as follows: Starting date for U16 & 19 is 2 March 2023 and the starting date for Under 11, 13 & 14 is 3 March 2023. Everyone who enters the 2023 BFN Junior Open will be required to be registered on SportyHQ with Squash SA. Please ensure that you have your registration number ready with you when you register for the Bloem Open as you will need to submit your Squash SA registration number upon submission of your entry when you enter the Bloem Open.

2. FORMAT All categories will be run on a basis whereby the maximum number of matches possible for the size of the age group entry will be applied. The draws will be played out fully. ALL players are required to play ALL scheduled matches. If you are unable/unwilling to comply with this regulation you should NOT enter the tournament. All matches will be played as best of 5 games. All players need to make themselves available for the entire duration of the tournament. The event will end at 13h00 (latest) on Sunday, 5 March 2023 to allow those who need to travel to arrive home at a reasonable time. (Please note that it will be impossible to work around other school, social or private commitments as this tournament is just too big to accommodate special requests or dispensations! Please do not request such permissions from the organizers as it is simply impossible to accommodate such requests.)
Under 14, 16 & 19: All matches will be played PAR (point a rally) to 11. Should the score reach 10 all a player needs to win by 2 clear points.
Under 11 and 13: All matches will be played PAR (point a rally) to 15. Should the score reach 14 all a player needs to win by 2 clear points.

3. ALL players are to ensure that they are at the courts and ready to play 30 minutes before the scheduled time of their match. Players who arrive later than 15 minutes after the scheduled time of play run the risk of conceding the match. (A FOLLOW-on system of times will apply and players will be expected to go onto court IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE MATCH PRIOR TO THEIRS is completed. The times on the draws are therefore only a guide.


5. TOURNAMENT BALL The High Altitude Dunlop Ball will be the official match ball for the Under 14, 16 & 19 age groups. The Dunlop Pro XX will be the official match squash ball for the Under 11 & 13 age groups.

6. CLOTHING AND EYEWEAR Players must wear clothing suitable for squash as per SA Schools’ Squash, Squash SA and WSF regulations. Under WSF and Squash SA rules, all players must wear approved eye protection when competing during the event. This includes during the warm-up. Players will not be allowed to compete without eye protection.

7. PLAYER WITHDRAWAL Withdrawal from the tournament must be notified to Squash Events as soon as possible by telephone or email with a valid reason. The reason for withdrawal should then be confirmed in writing to Squash Events within 24 hours and in the event of illness or injury, it MUST be accompanied by a medical certificate. Non-arrivals who do not notify Squash Events will NOT be allowed to enter the 2024 Bloemfontein Junior Open.
Withdrawals and Refunds - Tournament Fees In the event of withdrawal, entry fees are not fully refundable due to the cost of administration in this regard. In the event of a withdrawal prior to 24 February 2023 a 50% refund of tournament entry fee will be given less any administrative fees incurred. In the event of a withdrawal between 25 February and 2 March, a refund of a percentage of the entry fee will be at the discretion of the Organizers. No refunds will be made for withdrawals after 2 March 2023.

8. INSURANCE Players enter and play in the 2023 Tecnifibre Bloem Junior Open at their own risk. SA Schools Squash, Squash SA, the organizers and any of the venues at which squash will be played, will not accept responsibility for any injury arising from participating in the tournament. All players are required to ensure that they have their own insurance (medical and other). Protective Eyewear is compulsory when competing during the event (including during the warm-up).

9. SEEDING The seeding panels will include the SA Schools Squash Selectors for both boys and girls. The respective panels’ seedings will be distributed to provincial chairpersons, enabling a feedback window for evidence to be submitted to justify a change to seeding. Strong justification will be necessary to reconsider seedings and would require the following aspects to be addressed: head to head results against fellow players in the draw, tournament finishing positions, and further ranking information. This information will need to be submitted via email to squashevents@gmail.com by the provincial chairperson of the relevant provincial body. The case must suggest a change that results in a player changing a seeding bracket e.g. 9/16 to 5/8. Following the evidence given, the seeding panels will again review if deemed necessary. Unless the justification is strong enough for a change, the initial seeding will stand.

10. CONDUCT Players will abide by SA Schools and Squash SA rules. A copy of the Code of Conduct and rules is available on the Squash Events website at www.squashevents.co.za. All players, coaches and managers are to ensure that they are fully aware of the Guidelines and their requirements and the Code of Conduct. Players agree to play under the rules of the SA Schools’ and Squash SA Code of Conduct where the Squash Events Code of Conduct and Fair Play Statement will apply.
is available to view on the Squash Events website at www.squashevents.co.za. In all cases, the Tournament Referee’s decision will be final. (Tournament Referee: tbc)

11. PUBLISHING The Tecnifibre Bloem Junior Open will be publishing draws, results and photos of players. As this is a part of the Tecnifibre Bloem Junior Open tournament rules, the organisers will deem that players and their parents have accepted these regulations by entering the tournament. It will necessary for all players to agree and accept the conditions contained in the RELEASE FORM IN RESPECT OF LEARNER PHOTOS/IMAGES/VIDEOS in order to comply with the POPI Act. The release form is available on the Squash events website at www.squashevents.co.za. Entry in the 2023 Tecnifibre Bloem Junior Open requires acceptance of the conditions stated in the Media release form. LIVE STREAMING/PROJECTING OF MATCHES Squash Events is currently considering live streaming of some of the matches at some of the venues. This, however, comes at a significant cost and would be dependent on budget availability. Once we have greater clarity in this regard, this will be communicated to participants.

12. ANTI-DOPING By entering the Tournament you agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations governing the Championship and declare that you are aware of the latest Anti-Doping regulations and procedures as set out in Section E and Appendix G of the WSF World Championship Regulations. You accept that you may be dope tested under these regulations at any stage of the Championship and will be subject to the penalties set out in the World Championship Regulations if the test(s) prove positive. This declaration also covers participation in Plate events as applicable to this Championship.

13. The event will end at 13h00 (latest) on Sunday, 5 March 2023 at 12h30, depending on the entries. Prize winners need to attend the prize giving in order to qualify for their prizes. Prize giving will be subject to COVID-19 protocols.

14. As far as is possible, times of first rounds will be emailed to players by Wednesday 1 March at 20h00. (i.e. provided you have supplied us with an accurate email address.) Please bear in mind that this is a selection event and we will continue to redo the draw until the starting time of the event in the event of withdrawals.

15. PRIZE GIVING Prize-giving will take place in the Marquee tent at St Andrew’s School after completion of the final matches on Sunday 5 March 2023.
Photo Stream
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Amy Saunders
13 Mar 2023
1 2 3 4 5   Overall Experience
1 2 3 4 5   Value for Money
1 2 3 4 5   Club Facilities
1 2 3 4 5   Communication
1 2 3 4 5   Atmosphere
1 2 3 4 5   Level of Competition
Where & When
Thu, Mar 2nd 2023
Fri, Mar 31st 2023
Tue, Nov 30th -0001 5:00am

General Dan Pienaar Drive
Bloemfontein, Free State, Free State 9301
South Africa
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash South Africa sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Irene Maxton

Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Jacqueline Fryer

Gauteng, South Africa

Gerda Dreyer

Gauteng, South Africa

Margo Morgan

Free State, South Africa
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